
McNichols Learning Center McNichols Learning Center

What Are “Jigs”? Why Do Schools Use Them?

Using math manipulatives to build the problem 7 x 12 is not only a physical action. It also develops a mental bridge to the concept of how multiplication AND division are related.

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McNichols Learning Center McNichols Learning Center

Reading for Fluency and Comprehension

After 1967, schools replaced phonetics reading instruction with a system called “3 Cueing” or “Whole Language”. This has led to generations of poor readers.

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McNichols Learning Center McNichols Learning Center

“3-Cueing” — also Called “Whole Word.”

At a Loss for Words is a very long article, including an interview with Ken Goodman, the creator of 3-Cueing. In his opinion, meaning in context is more important than actually being able to pronounce or even use the right word.

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