Reading for Fluency and Comprehension

After 1967, schools replaced phonetics reading instruction with a system called “3 Cueing” or “Whole Language”.  Although now proven to be “flawed”, teachers still ask students to determine the meaning of a word through cues based on (1)context, (2)sentence structure and (3)partial word formation. In this system, accurate word recognition is not important  This has led to generations of poor readers.  

McNichols Learning approaches reading through phonetics. In this way, learners read by discovering the physical connection between the letter they see, its sound, and the way it is made the mouth. This multi-sensory system builds the specific neural pathways essential for reading and comprehension.

It enables their understanding to move more easily from letters to letter groups and syllables. This has been proven to create strong readers because their developing brains learn their letter combinations more easily when not distracted by the abstract methods used in “three-cueing.”



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“3-Cueing” — also Called “Whole Word.”