McNichols Learning Foundation

Is the Educational Non-Profit

For students and families in need of support who cannot afford private schools
or costly tutoring.

McNichols Learning Foundation is a community-centered educational non-profit.

Does someone you know struggle with math?

Perhaps your own child might get stuck doing a simple addition problem – or part of a word problem. It might even be a 7th or 10th grader taking a very long time to work through an algebra or geometry problem because some basic concepts like subtraction or division were never clearly understood.  


Does your child hate to read?

Instead of seeing your child enjoy reading, yours will not open a book without effort and sometimes cries with frustration. This child needs phonics as soon as possible! In six to eight months such a child can go from “pretend reading” (where the words they say come out of their heads instead of off the page) to sounding out unfamiliar one and two syllable words and reading most others with little trouble.

Children with Dyslexia and Dyscalculia can become trapped in even the best school-centered education.

Our learning specialists can help children discover joys and successes while developing self-confidence in Reading AND Math with our physical, multi-sensory materials unavailable in schools.

We want to not only coach children in different ways of learning but also train parents and teachers in the use of our materials. This will expand, excite, and develop minds AND communities.

For children whose needs are not being met in the classroom, we use phonics manipulatives for reading. We have other multisensory materials for math needs from basic counting, through decimals and percents, all the way to algebra!

This is our opportunity to help more children and families in Orange County thrive.

For more information,
call us today 714-313-4223 or email

McNichols Learning
9182 Hyde Park Drive,
Huntington Beach, CA 92646

By using our concrete materials, children will
begin filling in the
gaps in their education—
how things fit together and what that means.

They will start applying reason instead of repeating answers they really do not understand.

“With the phonics and other training you gave me, I am now enrolled in college and reading at better than grade level.”

– S. N.

“With this math I understand more than just geometry.”

— J. W.